Code of Conduct
Welcome to the Eva B. Dykes Library!
Library users expect and require a quiet, safe, clean, and attractive environment for study and use of library resources. This Code of Conduct encourages courteous interactions and supports the University’s aim: education, excellence, eternity.
NOISE: Speak softly, so others are not disturbed. If you wish to visit and talk with friends, do so in the lobby area.
Group study rooms are available for quiet collaborative work. Turn off cell phones, reduce volume on ringer, or place phone on vibrator. Conduct cell phone conversations in library lobby or outside. Personal stereos and other audible electronic devices that may cause disturbance should be turned off before entering the library.
DISORDERLY CONDUCT: Fighting, running, use of offensive language and failure to comply with reasonable instructions from library staff are not permitted.
SECURITY GATE: If the security gate alarms when you exit, kindly return to the Circulation desk and present bags, books, videos, and other items for evaluation.
EMERGENCIES: When the alarm sounds, please stay alert for staff directions and respond promptly.
FOOD/DRINK: Prepared food should not be brought into the library. Please use eating area at main entrance. This rule is necessary to prevent aromatic odors, termite and rodent infestations, and to provide a healthy, clean and attractive environment.
COMPUTERS: Workstations may be monitored to ensure that they are being used for instructional/research purposes. Inappropriate use of library computers includes:
• Installing unauthorized software
• Tampering with applications and system files
• Viewing, downloading, or disseminating sexually explicit images
• Monopolizing computers while others are waiting
• Copying copyrighted material without permission
THEFT/DAMAGE TO PROPERTY: Theft of or intentional damage of library materials, furniture, equipment or premises is prohibited. Violators will be charged for damages and disciplined according to the Student Handbook.
CLOSING: Checkout services at the Circulation desk end at 11:45 p.m. The copier, computers, and printers are also turned off 30 minutes prior to closing.
**Library staff may require a user to leave the library for noncompliance**