Circulation Services
The Circulation service desk is located in the lobby on the main floor and is staffed whenever the library is open. It is available for checking-out and returning materials including reserves and inter-library loans; picking up print jobs, reserving conference rooms, and paying fines. Circulation staff is responsible for re-shelving library books and stacks management; answering questions about missing books, placing holds and other questions related to borrowing library materials.
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Interlibrary Loans Form: Books and articles are borrowed from other libraries for faculty, students and staff. Inter-library loan requests usually take up to 10 days. Every effort is made to provide this service at no cost to you. There is $10 charge for RUSH (within 24 hrs.) requests.
Reciprocal Borrowing: Using your current Oakwood University ID card, students and faculty may borrow books from Alabama A&M University, Athens State University Library, and J.F. Drake State Technical College.