Keeping Current
- Faculty are encouraged to be in frequent contact with librarians in order to keep one another apprised of the latest changes in resources, services, and curriculum; to discuss collaboration opportunities or other needs & concerns; or to let us know about your new publications.
- Personal Update - A librarian will meet with you or your department (in your office or in the library) to do personalized training on new databases, highlight new resources, as well as answer questions or hear your concerns.
Accessing the Library's Collections
- Library Catalog lists books and most media titles owned by this library.
- Journals — Search EBSCO A-Z by journal title. Over 35,000 journals are available; most of them are full-text online.
- Articles/Databases — search for journal articles in over 100 of the library's subscription databases by topic or author and retrieve references, full text articles, statistics, and/or primary source materials.
- WorldCat — See what’s available in other libraries locally and around the world.
- Archives & Museum
- Off-campus Access to Library Resources: For ID authentication, contact Robert Engram at 256-726-8317 or at
Borrowing Privileges
- Borrowing Privileges — Oakwood faculty may check out books for one semester; DVD/videos for one week.
- Renewals — items may be renewed once online via the catalog’s user services. Otherwise bring items to the Circulation Desk.
- Fines — Faculty do not pay overdue fines, but will be charged for lost or damaged materials.
- Reciprocal Borrowing – Oakwood faculty have reciprocal borrowing privileges with the libraries at Alabama A&M University, Athens State University and J.F. Drake State Technical College. Simply present your current faculty OU ID for service. You are responsible for all items borrowed or fees incurred.
Preview & Recommend Materials for Purchase
Choice Reviews Online (on-campus access only)
Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries is the premier source for reviews of academic books, electronic media, and Internet resources of interest to those in higher education. More than 35,000 librarians, faculty, and key decision makers rely on Choice magazine and Choice Reviews Online for collection development and scholarly research. Choice reaches almost every undergraduate college and university library in the United States. Each year Choice publishes more than 7,000 reviews that are timely, authoritative, concise, and easy to use.
- For books, submit orders approved by Department Chair directly to Mrs. Stella Mbyirukira.
- For media, submit orders approved by Department Chair directly to Ms. Rebecca Brothers.
- For databases, journals, and other requests, contact Mrs. Paulette Johnson.
- Please provide as much information as possible about items requested.
- Items may be placed on reserve at the Circulation desk at least 48 hours before they are needed by students. Pick up reserve items at the end of each semester.
- Click here to fill out the Reserves form.
Delivery Service
- We have a delivery service available for faculty who are too busy to come to the library. We will check out the item under your name, deliver it to your office, and pick it up when you're finished.
- Click here to fill out the request form.
- Faculty may reserve two smart classrooms and a conference room for the semester.
- The Computer Lab may be reserved only during exam week.
Interlibrary Loans
- Interlibrary Loans — When we don't have an item, we'll request it for you (2-10 day delivery). Contact Jeshua Hinton via email or by phone 256-726-7250.
Information Literacy
To requestion an Information Literacy session, click here.
To see the types of sessions available, visit our Information Literacy Menu here.
Departmental Liaisons
A librarian is assigned to work with each department to determine needs and concerns.
- Rebecca Brothers, M.L.I.S. – Nutrition & Dietetics, Health & Exercise Science, Nursing, Allied Health, Communication & Fine Arts, Business & Information Systems, Social Work, Psychological Sciences
- Jeshua Hinton, M.L.I.S. – English & Foreign Languages, Music, Religion & Theology, History & Political Science
- Paulette McLean Johnson, M.L.I.S. – Education, LEAP, MAP, Biology, Chemistry, Math & Computer Science
- Faculty needing photocopies from a non-circulating item (journal article or reference book, for example) may use the library's office copier for single copies at no charge.
- Do not use this copier for items that can be checked out, for multiple copies of an item, for class handouts, or for personal copies.
- Ask for assistance at the Circulation Desk.
Faculty Research Showcase
- The library welcomes copies of your dissertation and additional research.
- The library sponsors Meet Oakwood Authors, an opportunity to exhibit and share about your publications with colleagues, students, and community.
Key Contacts
Rebecca Brothers (Media & E-Resources/Periodicals)
Jeshua Hinton (Interlibrary Loan/Reference & Instruction)
Paulette Johnson (Director)
Odalys Miranda Suastegui (Archives & Museum)
Elaine Parker (Circulation)